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Hey there

My name is Charles Raymo and two of my great passions are movies and video games. I like playing them, watching them, reading about them, and especially talking about them. 


A little background: I've been playing video games regularly since I was about 7 years old, and I've loved movies even longer than that. My first video game was The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, an untouchable classic and a game that sucked up a lot of my childhood. My first movie (at least the first I can remember seeing) was Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, and if you follow my blog for any amount of time you'll see my love for Star Wars. 


Now, let me make something perfectly clear, I do not have any sort of degree related to film (I do, however, have one related to video games). I speak purely from the standpoint of an audience member an avid gamer, and my opinions, passionate as they may be, are still only my opinions. 


I don't make any money from this blog, nor do I have affiliation with any movie or game studios. I want nothing more than for my blog to be a place of discussion for people who share the same passions as I do. 


So, thanks for visiting! I hope you enjoy my content, and I welcome you to comment on my work, whether it be to give me a tip or to start a discussion.


- Charles Raymo

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