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Here you can find all of my reviews in the order they are released

  • Writer's pictureCharles Raymo


Hey everyone!

Welcome to my first game related piece here on the blog. Just so you know how things will go down in the average game review, I'll be discussing the broad strokes of the game up front, and then getting into any slightly more spoiler-y bits in a separate section (though I will be avoiding spoilers for this game).

Let's kick this off with a little background knowledge regarding yours truly; I love Spider-Man. He's hands down my favorite superhero, and has been since I was probably 8 or 9 years old. Possibly the most human and relatable character to come from superhero comics, and with one of the coolest power sets to boot, Peter Parker has always been at the center of some of my favorite comic book and movie story lines.

Imagine my excitement, then, when in 2016, Insomniac Games, a company I already adored for the Ratchet and Clank franchise, announced that they were working on a Playstation 4 exclusive Spider-Man game. This game would star a slightly older version of the titular hero and, like Batman: Arkham Asylum before it, would present us with a visionary and unique take on the characters universe without focusing on an origin story.

Two years on, and after much hype (as well as an E3 gameplay demo that admittedly left me a little worried about how the game would handle) I have just finished playing through the story campaign of MARVELS SPIDER-MAN.

And oh my lord, is this game something special.

Now I may be biased. As stated above, I am a huge Spider-Man fan, and being able to swing around New York, beat up baddies, and go toe-to-toe with some truly great renditions of a handful of some of my favorite villains goes a long way towards getting this game into my good books. However, this game is so much more than just a Spider-Man simulator, as the game presents us with quite possibly the best Spider-Man story we've gotten in any movie or game to-date:


As the game opens, Peter Parker has been operating as Spider-Man for about 8 years. He works for Dr. Otto Octavious as a research assistant, helping him to create prosthetic limbs (Ha Ha) that would help improve peoples lives. He ekes out a living in his small apartment, and occasionally helps his Aunt May at the homeless shelter where she volunteers. Some of his slightly less mainstream villains, including Scorpion, Rhino, Shocker, and Vulture, are already behind bars in the Raft, and Peter spends his free time cleaning up crime on the streets. This all falls apart, however, with the introduction of a dangerous new gang, wielding mysterious powers, that threatens to completely tear apart New York city.


Those who have played the old Spider-Man 2 video game, or, more recently, the Arkham series of games, will be familiar with the style of MARVEL'S SPIDER-MAN. Combat flows incredibly well, using minimal button presses, although extra combos can be pulled off with the use of the web-shooters and various gadgets. Peter's mobility also comes into play here, giving the combat an extra layer as you swing above, around, and into your opponents before they can react. While it may seem a little rough at the start, once you master dodging, moving quickly between opponents, and picking out key targets on which to use your gadgets, the combat becomes very rewarding, only becoming a bit of a slog in sections with excessive waves of enemies.

Moving around the city feels incredible, and I have yet to get tired of swinging, wall-running, and otherwise soaring between the beautifully rendered city buildings. The search for the myriad of in-game collectibles and side missions, something I normally tend to avoid in open world games, depending on the value of the collectibles in question, is actually made quite fun here thanks to Spider-Mans perfectly realized movement capabilities.

Speaking of the collectibles, there are Easter eggs galore for any long-time Spidey fan, from mentions of past battles with villains not shown in the game, to side quests involving some lesser known villains (though I won't spoil any surprises for you here), and some very, very cool Spider suits, either from previous comics, MCU films, and a few of the studios own creation, although it must be said that the main suit created for this game is a truly awesome take on the classic Spider-Man suit.

While we're on the topic of suits, I must also make mention of how visually well realized the villains are in this game, particularly Scorpion, an underrated favorite of mine. Every major villain has their suit overhauled in a way that brings them into the 21st century, while still retaining nods to their classic counterparts (for example, Electro has ditched the flamboyant costume, but has facial scars reminiscent of his comic book mask).

Story basics

As stated above, the story in this game is phenomenal, though I will not spoil it for you here, as the emotional twists and turns of this story are something that need to be experienced fresh. I will say that the story contains moments that made me audibly gasp, yell in excitement, and at one point even made actual tears well up in my eyes, affecting me more deeply than any game this year besides maybe God of War. Every twist, every unexpected character moment, from the good to the bad, feels well earned; none of it feels like a cheap gut-punch or a cynical sequel hook. The story successfully builds up to every pay off, and the game leaves you truly excited to see more of this new Spider-verse in sequels.

all images are the property of Insomniac Games


I am loathe to talk about anything more specific regarding this game. As I said, the story is thoroughly engaging, and should be experienced spoiler-free. Bolstering this incredible version of the Spider-Man universe is a truly great combat system and a movement system that, and yes I have to say it, really makes you feel like Spider-Man.

I cannot recommend this game highly enough, and I rate it a perfect 5 out of 5. A serious game of the year contender, and hands down the best Spider-Man game ever made.

all images are the property of Insomniac Games

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