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  • Writer's pictureCharles Raymo

TOP FIVE: My favorite games

Hey there guys and gals, it's time for one of those nice easy articles where I just list off the things I love and why. No real point to make with this one, let's just talk about some great games!

Destiny 1 and 2:

Ah Destiny, the most frustrating game I've ever loved. I've never played a game that was so fun, so gorgeous, so imaginatively written, and yet so inconsistent in its quality from expansion to expansion. BUT, I'm not here to talk about the negatives, so let's move on. The game has some of the most satisfying gunplay I've ever experienced, bolstered by player abilities that never get old. The art style is something only Bungie (a company who I personally believe has the best art in the business) could create, ranging from generally cool enemies to some of the most breathtaking imagery I have ever witnessed in a game.

All of this is accompanied by one hell of a high concept sci-fi story (something I admit I'm a sucker for) that I wouldn't dare try to go into detail over. Suffice to say a story about post-singularity machine gods, actual gods, machine-worshipping pirate insects, militaristic space-hulks and their all-seeing slave race, the last remnants of humanity, and time travelling robots doesn't run out of interesting material quickly (and that just covers the absolute basics).

All in all, one of my favorite long-running games of all time, and, in its best moments, a solid 4.5/5.

Dark Souls 3:

I'll be honest here, I was very late on boarding the Dark Souls train. I didn't play the first one until years after it had come out, I've still never played the second, and Bloodborne, the third game in the "Soulsborne" series, was the first I had played, and it's not even directly related to the others. But, nonetheless, I fell in love with Bloodborne, so much so that I got Dark Souls 3 at the earliest opportunity. What I've found in these games is more than just the sometimes punishing difficulty they're famous for; I've found games that I think everyone should play. Seriously, I don't know that I've played a game that not only pushes you, but actively helps you, to do better, to overcome the challenges in front of you and come out the other side as a better Dark Souls player (despite the marketing gimmick of "prepare to die" being plastered all over the game). I don't even know where to start with how well-designed this game is, from head to toe. Everything about it is just so deliberate, it's astounding.

This is a stunningly gorgeous, beautifully scored, perfectly tuned masterwork of a game, and I can't say enough good things about it.

4.5/5, the Irithyll jailers are the worst enemy in any video game ever.

The Elder Scrolls Series:

You all know this one, how can you not? Skyrim is probably one of the most played video games of all time, and make no mistake it is a masterpiece. However, my hat goes off here to one Elder Scrolls game in particular: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. DAMN is this game good. The story? Incredibly gripping, real out-there, magic, gods and demons type of stuff. The side quests? Best in the business, they don't make 'em like this anymore (Dark Brotherhood, anyone?). The music? Almost unmatched. The world? Lovingly crafted, truly unique, and a wonder to explore. Did it age well? Hell no, but that doesn't change the fact that this game was the BOMB when it came out, I mean there was nothing else like it on the market.

Remember the first time you saw the Imperial City? The first time you entered the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary? The first time you ran sideways up a mountain to get to that quest objective that was just too far away to reach via the roads? Damn right you do, because that's the stuff great video game memories are made of.

5/5, knock off the bullshit and give us Elder Scrolls 6, Todd.

Metroid Prime:

My initial thought was honestly to just put "YEEEEEEEEAH BOOOOOI" as the summary for what makes this game great, because it really It's the absolute perfect version of what it sets out to be: A dark, gritty, first person Metroid game, and it's as simple as that. This game throws you into it's universe in a way that not only previous Metroid games couldn't achieve, but that few games before or since have quite perfected. Metroid Prime absolutely drips in a gritty sci-fi atmosphere; from the eerie, haunting soundtrack to the rust-stained machinery and dilapidated ruins of Tallon IV, the world feels truly whole and unique.

I honestly have nothing negative to say about this game, there are no caveats. A true sci-fi masterpiece.

5/5 only topped by one game in my opinion.

Mass Effect (2):

Yup, it's the Mass Effect trilogy at number one. While I love the entire trilogy, however (yes, 3 is good, a mediocre ending doesn't change the fact that the rest of the game is top notch), special mention must go to Mass Effect 2. This is nothing less than one of the greatest games ever made by human hands; a massively entertaining, character driven space opera of the finest quality. Improved combat, visuals, character interaction, and planet diversity compared to the first game, all experienced alongside the coolest video game spaceship in history.

I've played through this trilogy more times than I can count, and the second game is an absolute treat every time. Cannot recommend it highly enough.

5/5 It's the Empire Strikes Back of video games.

Honorable Mentions:

For games that I love, and recommend, that didn't QUITE make the top 5:

- Halo 2

- God of War (2018)

- Spider-man (2018)

- Warcraft 3

- Star Wars: Republic Commando

- Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast

And that's all folks, my favorite games of all time. Got a list of your own? Disagree with any of my picks? Let me know in the comments, I'd love to hear what games you think deserve a spot in the top 5.

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