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Here you can find all of my reviews in the order they are released

  • Writer's pictureCharles Raymo

Shortz: Fallout is Really Effin' Good

Yeah I'm a little late in reviewing this but I really don't have much to say that's gonna surprise anyone.

The Fallout TV show is excellent. A video game adaptation that respects its source material, and uses the established story of the universe to spin its own narrative in a way that both pays homage to and actually furthers the story established in the games, in ways that I didn't expect.

All 3 of the leads are stellar. Ella Purnell bring so much charm and likeability to Lucy, she makes a great audience POV character as we watch her naive, positive outlook be tested by the nightmarish realities of the wasteland. Her no-nonsense, upfront to a fault attitude actually makes her seem like a character plucked straight from a video game, and watching her adjust to the world above-ground is an experience that is both harrowing and, occasionally, hilarious.

Aaron Moten is very engaging as Maximus, a complicated and morally grey character who helps to showcase the issues in being raised by a techno-religious military cult. His complicated and often tense relationship with other characters make his arc a bit of a roller coaster, and I can't wait to see how it progresses next season.

Walton Goggins is great as Cooper/The Ghoul, and I don't think I need to tell that to anyone who's already watched the show. He's just great, 10/10, no notes. I love Walton Goggins and would watch an entire separate series about his character.

The effects are very strong for a TV show, especially the practical work on the costumes, particularly the power armor, which looks so damn good in motion, and the prosthetics on Goggins' Ghoul.

Man I'm really struggling to divide this up into my usual sections...

Look, I really only have nice things to say, this is a straight up great TV show, made with love, effort, and reverence to the source material while still being able to carve out its own story (divisive as it may be amongst fans of the games, I for one am a fan of the big thing that happened in the lore). A show that can be enjoyed by fans of the games and newcomers alike. As far as video game adaptations go, this is the gold standard. It's frankly jarring to have an adaptation come out and be this good in the same year that we got the mess that is Halo season 2.

5/5 watch Fallout, this is the bar for all game adaptations now.

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