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  • Writer's pictureCharles Raymo

TOP FIVE: My favorite films

Updated: Sep 25, 2018

Hey everyone, I realize that even though this blog has been running for a couple of weeks now, you probably have no frame of reference regarding what kind of films I consider truly great. With that in mind, here's a list of my top 5 favorite films, and why I love them so much.

Spider-Man 2

A prime example of how to make a great superhero movie that just happens to be about my favorite superhero, Spider-Man 2 eschews the usual issues plaguing early 2000's super films by maintaining the bright and colorful aesthetic of its comic book origins, and focusing on making human characters first and super-powered individuals second. Peter Parker struggles balancing his two identities, Aunt May is in danger of losing her home, Mary Jane is finding mild success as a young actress but can't seem to find happiness in love, and Harry Osborne attempts to cope with the loss of his father and his new responsibilities as CEO of Oscorp. Oh, and did I mention Otto Octavious? Because, yeah, I've never seen a one-note comic character made so interesting on screen; Otto, in this incarnation, isn't a man who was abused, or mistreated (as far as we know). He is a great man who falls from grace after a cruel twist of fate, and becomes the coolest Spider-Man villain on screen to this day, in my opinion. Pair these with phenomenal action scenes, moving, emotional story-telling, Danny Elfman's soaring soundtrack, and, of course, J.K Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson, and you have the greatest superhero film ever made.

The Nice Guys

Aside from a few recent events involving some on-set issues that should never have happened in the first place (he should have known better), I love Shane Black. Easily one of my favorite writer/directors working today, Black obviously understands that even the most bog standard plot can be made engaging when paired with great characters, and no one in the business is better at writing them. So, what do you get when you pair well written characters, a fascinating twist and turn plot that defies conventions and tropes at every turn, and phenomenal actors like Ryan Gosling and Russell Crow? You get 2016's "The Nice Guys", hands-down the greatest "buddy-cop" style film in recent memory, and the funniest to boot. To top it all off, the movie sports a 70's aesthetic that is so well realized you'd think they went back in time to film it. If you haven't seen this film...what are you waiting for?! Rent it, buy it, go borrow it from a friend, just see this movie.

The Martian

Let's be honest, Ridley Scott is pretty hit or miss as a director; When he's on, you get masterclass films like Alien or Blade Runner, and when he's off you get Exodus: Gods and Kings. Make no mistake, what we have here is a masterclass in science fiction film making; a celebration of science and the human spirit that's elevated by fantastic performances from its almost ridiculously star-studded cast, seamless special effects, and unflinching humor and optimism in the face of impossible odds. I hesitate to use this term, as it's mostly associated with family oriented movies, but this truly is a feel good movie, as in watching it will make you happy, you may even find yourself cheering (I may have in the theater). I cannot recommend this one highly enough if you haven't seen it already.

Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

You all knew this one was coming. I'm trying to think of something to say here besides "this movie is f$%@ing awesome". This is the movie that kick-started my imagination as a child. I'll never forget the first time I saw a squad of AT-AT's marching across the snowy fields of Hoth, or the Millennium Falcon dodging over and around asteroids, or Bespin floating through the clouds. John Williams here composes the best music of his entire career, the cinematography is gorgeous, and the characters we already love go through some of their best arcs. Absolutely brilliant, and only beat out on this list by a single film.


A little backstory on this one: the year is 2011, my then girlfriend and I are going to the local theater to see Drive, assuming we're in for a Transporter-esque thrill ride. What I saw instead was a pulse-pounding, nail-biting, teeth-clenching, slow burn crime drama, drenched in neon and pulsing with synth-wave beats (two of my biggest weaknesses, I admit). What seems like a slow start turns out to be an introduction to the seemingly simple lives of our characters before all hell breaks loose early in the second act, leading to a non-stop hunt for revenge and revealing the best and worst in our lead character, The Driver, played with perfect, subtle touches of emotion by Ryan Gosling, who really shows off his range here. The cinematography is enough to give me chills at times, and the car chases, though surprisingly sparse for a movie called Drive, are some of the intense put to film, eschewing quick cuts and loud music for long shots and roaring engines, more Mad Max than Fast and Furious. If you haven't seen or haven't even heard of this film, I'm telling you right here and now to go out and see it, but be warned, it is not for the faint of heart (especially a certain, fantastically put together scene towards the end that is both devastatingly beautiful and violent).

And so there you have it, my 5 overall favorite films of all time. Let me know yours in the comments, I'd love to hear about what movies you guys like, or why you agree or disagree with my favorite films.

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